Newsletter 03/05/19

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely break

Top up- Please remember to top up on sQuid for fruit, school dinners, Early Bird Club, and as always we welcome voluntary donations to our Activity Fund. Please contact the school office if you need to register or have problems with sQuid.

Nursery September 2019 – We are starting to prepare for September, so if you have younger siblings or friends with children who are due to start, please make sure you have applied, please contact the school office if you need to check.

Mad Science were in this week for an assembly, and will be starting their After School Club after Half Term. Please see the flyers that have been sent home for more information.

What’s on next week ?

Monday – Bank Holiday – No School

From Tuesday –  National Tests for Y2 to Y6

Wednesday – Plastic Free Day, please join us in trying to cut down on single use plastics, and use reusable alternatives instead.

Wednesday – Curriculum Forum for Parents at 5pm

Thursday – Y5/6E Swiming at Bishop Gore

Friday –  Y1/2L Class Assembly

What’s coming up?

Wed 15th May – School Photographer for Class & Team Photos

Fri 24th May LFPM Class Assembly

Mon 27th May to Fri 31st May – Half Term

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY 4 – School closed for staff training



Curriculum Changes

A new curriculum for Wales  – a guide for children, young people and parents




Curriculum Changes

The new Draft Curriculum for Wales has been been launched by Welsh Government. This is an exciting time for Welsh education and we are looking forward to developing our Brynmill curriculum with our school community. For more information about the changes, click below:

Newsletter 12/04/19

Parental Questionnaire 

We were overwhelmed by the positive and helpful feedback we received in our recent parental questionnaire. So many of you took the time to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment.  We recognise that there is always room for improvement and the following areas have been identified for further consideration:

  • Homework
  • Visits and events

Can we take the opportunity to say thank you for this but also thank you for your continuing and relied-upon support.

Book Fair – 

The Scholastic Book Fair, run in March, raised £261.81p for the school to spend on books. This is a brilliant result! Huge thanks to all our Friends of Brynmill Primary School helpers, and to everyone who supported the book fair.


Good luck to Mr Davies who will running the London Marathon again, and raising funds for our school. If you would like to show your support there is a fundraising page here, or you can pay on sQuid, or by cash to the school office.



This Week – 

Some members of our Eco Club went to an Eco-Brick workshop in the National Waterfront Museum, they were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject of plastics and it’s effect on the environment.

After Easter –

Please remember to top up for School Dinners, Fruit, Early Bird Club, and Activity Fund. Please remember we only take online payments now. Please contact the school office if you need a hand setting up your sQuid Account.

After School Activities – Monday – Eco Club (until 4pm), Thursday Football.

The Events section of the Website has been updated for the Summer Term, please take a look.

National Tests for Year 2 to Year 6

Date / Test Numeracy  Reasoning Reading  English
7 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 3 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
8 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 4 am
Yr/Bl 5 am
9 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 3 am
10 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 4 am
13 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 5 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
14 May/Mai MOP UP MOP UP
The Numeracy Procedural Test are online and will be done in small groups throughout the month of May. Click here for more information on the Personalised Assessments.

We hope you all have a lovely break, and we will see you on Monday 29th April for the start of the Summer Term.

Newsletter 05/04/2019

Y5/6 Residential – the children have just arrived back after a very busy week of activities at St Madoc, they were all very happy, but very very tired!

On Wednesday children are invited to wear their Onesies or Pyjamas to help raise awareness for Autism.

On Thursday Mrs Roach’s Reception and morning Nursery class will be holding their Class Assembly – All welcome to come and watch.

No After School Activities next week.

Friday – Last day of term ( normal finish time), Foundation Phase Children– Nursery to Y2 are invited to bring in their Easter Bonnets for the Parade which will start about 9.00ish and last about 20 minutes. Parents are invited to stay and watch. If the weather is fine it will take place in the front yard, and if not it will be in the main hall. KS2 children – Y3 to Y6 are invited to decorate a hard boiled egg for the chance to win an Easter Egg. There is no theme this year, so they can let their imagination/creativity run wild!

Easter Holidays – We are on holiday from Monday 15th April to Friday 26th April, and we start back on Monday 29th April.

Coming Up

Y3/4J Class Assembly – Friday 3rd May

Y1/2L Class Assembly – Friday 10th May

National Tests – for Year 2 to Year 6 – Tuesday 7th May to Tuesday 14th May

Mr Davies is fundraising!

Many of you will know that I raised money last year for FBP to help the school. Many do not realise the full impact of continuing cuts to education budgets. This means that it is increasingly challenging to meet the needs of all our children.

Last year the money was used to purchase additional items such as Maths equipment and electronic devices that benefit and enhance the children’s experiences. At this time, budgets barely cover the costs of staffing and Brynmill School, like many others, rely on goodwill of staff and fundraising to pay for additional resources that help children gain access to creative and innovative experiences. I also made sure that the school made a charitable donation to Unicef, a cause linked closely with our school Ethos promoting the Rights of the Child.

This year the children themselves are considering ways they can raise money for electronic and audio equipment to enhance their Performing Arts abilities on stage. This will not only make our school performances more engaging but also give pupils greater confidence acting and performing in front of an audience. I would like to help them reach their goal. I also pledge a donation to charity, which this year will be based on a cause the children will choose from using Pupil Voice.

Last year, I ran my first London Marathon. Words fail me how hard the last 10 miles were in the 27 degree heat and coping with a last minute injury sustained while playing football with the children on the residential trip! This year I am vowing to beat my best time and complete it in under 3 hours 30 minutes. I have been training since December and I know that the thought of raising money that will secure improvements to children’s opportunities in my school will keep me going to the finish line.

Please follow the link below to donate. Thank you.


Newsletter 29/03/19

Another busy week in Brynmill.

On Monday our Eco club did a litter pick on Swansea Beach, and collected a sack full of wet wipes, cotton bud sticks, cans, bottles, and micro plastics.

On Wednesday Y5 went to a Welsh Gig in the Grange Primary School, and enjoyed a variety of pop songs and show tunes that had been translated into Welsh.

Also on Wednesday we had two Pupil Voice Workshops, and received some very positive feedback from the parents who attended.

Thursday we had our Maths Day, and the Foundation Phase children found a giant footprint in their classrooms, and had to use maths skills to work out who they belonged to. KS2 children found out that a valuable artifact had been stolen, we had a visit from PC Paul, and a crime scene in the photocopying room, children used their maths skills to work out the height of the suspect.

Next week – there are no After School Activities

Monday to Friday – Y5/6 Residential trip to Llanmadoc

Friday  – Miss Maliphant’s Reception and Morning Nursery Assembly

Thurs 11th April  – Mrs Roach’s Reception and Morning Nursery Assembly

Fri 12th April – Last Day of Term,

Fri 12th April – Foundation Phase – Easter Bonnet Parade, children are invited to make an Easter Bonnet at home, and bring it in on the day, Parents are invited to stay and watch the parade, which starts at 9.00am approx and lasts for 10-15minutes.

Fi 12th April – KS2 – Decorate an egg competition. Children are invited to decorate a hard boiled egg, there is no theme this year, so let your imagination run wild!

Easter Holidays – Mon 15th April – to Friday 26th April.

Monday 29th April – Start of Summer Term.


Competition Time

We have a few competitions taking place at the moment.

My Amazing Dairy – a creative writing competition for children in Years 1 & 2, with prizes for the winning pupil and the winning school. Closing date 12th April 2109.

The Incredible Diary of …  – a creative writing competition for children in Years 3 – 6, with prizes for the winning pupil and the winning school. Closing Date 12th April 2019.

Easter Egg Design Competition – for all ages. The winning school will receive £100 and the winning designer an Eater Egg. Closing Date 5th April.

If any of our creative pupils would like to enter any of the competitions, please contact the school office for templates.

Good luck!