Newsletter 09/06/23

Next Friday – 16th June– we will be having a non school uniform day to mark the start of Refugee Week. As a school of Sanctuary we would like to raise some money for local refugee and asylum seeker charities. Suggested donation £1.00 – please pay on sQuid under the Charity Donation Offer, or in cash. Thank you.

Year 4 children – next Thursday morning the children in the Y4 will be going to the Brangwyn Hall for an interactive musical extravaganza. The event will be filmed, so please give your consent here Children are invited to wear a pirate hat if they have one!

PTA News – Don’t forget on Tuesday 13th June we’re hosting a Film Night at Swansea University for Oxwich and Caswell pupils Full details on the poster below. 

If you need to park on campus for free for this event you can email with your registration number. This must be done by Sunday 11th June otherwise parking will be £2 on campus. You can also park for free at The Rec on Oystermouth Rd.

Thank you again to everyone who came to our Scholastic book fair, you helped raised just over £300 for new books for the school. 

Bishop Gore Transition – Transition day for Bishop Gore is the 29.06.23. After you have dropped your child off, you are invited to a coffee morning. This will be a chance for you meet the staff. You are welcome to bring pre-school siblings should you need to. In the evening, there will be a meeting for the parents, which starts at 6pm. 

Rebecca Matthews- Senior Leadership Team and Transition lead from Bishop Gore will be in Brynmill on the 03.07.23 at 2:30pm to meet parents and answer any questions that you have. Year 5 and 6 parents are welcome.   

Leaving Brynmill? – We are starting to plan our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.

Free Period Products for Caswell & Oxwich Classes. We have some free eco friendly period products for girls in Caswell & Oxwich classes. If you would like your daughter to receive some, please complete this form.

What’s Coming up?

Monday – Choir for children in Caswell & Oxwich classes

Tues 13th June – PTA Friends of Brynmill Primary Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich Classes.

Wednesday – Ball Skills for children in Year 3

Thursday – Netball for children in Caswell & Oxwich ( updated, sorry only open to Oxwich children)

Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly

Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly

Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly

Fri 14th July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly

Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for June – You have the right to rest and play.

Value of the Month for June – Fairness

Newsletter 26/05/23

Half Term – We hope you have a lovely half term break.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

Universal Free School Meals – After the half term holidays Universal Free School Meals will be available to all children in Reception, Year 1, & Year 2.

Green Scene – The next Green Scene volunteer session is a taking place tomorrow, Saturday 27th May 9-11am. Join us in the nursery and reception yard for some weeding and watering. 

Everyone welcome. Please can you message Jodi Moss on 07910705147 if you’d like to join.

PTA News – Thank you so much to everyone who came to our Scholastic book fair this week and big thank you to our volunteers who helped run the fair and our second hand uniform stall. 

Upcoming event: Film Night at Swansea University for Oxwich and Caswell pupils – Tuesday 13th June. Details on the poster below: 

Year 5 Pupils – Leavers Hoodies for next term – We will soon be taking orders for leavers hoodies that the current Year 5 pupils can wear next year when they are in Year 6. Look out for more details soon.

Bishop Gore Transition – Transition day for Bishop Gore is the 29.06.23. After you have dropped your child off, you are invited to a coffee morning. This will be a chance for you meet the staff. You are welcome to bring pre-school siblings should you need to. In the evening, there will be a meeting for the parents, which starts at 6pm. 

Rebecca Matthews- Senior Leadership Team and Transition lead from Bishop Gore will be in Brynmill on the 03.07.23 at 2:30pm to meet parents and answer any questions that you have. Year 5 and 6 parents are welcome.   

Leaving Brynmill? – We are starting to plan our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.

Free Period Products for Caswell & Oxwich Classes. We have some free eco friendly period products for girls in Caswell & Oxwich classes. If you would like your daughter to receive some, please complete this form.

Fruit Tuckshop – After half term we will be offering our Fruit Tuckshop to Nursery & Reception children. For £1.00 a week they will have a choice of healthy snacks to choose from each day. The Tuckshop is paid half termly online via sQuid. If you are interested and would like your sQuid Registration details please contact the school office.

What’s Coming up?

Monday 5th June – Inset Day – school closed to pupils for staff training.

Wednesday 7th June – After School Activity – Balls Skills for Y3 children, If you attended before there is no need to complete the form again. If you would like your child to join please complete this form

Thursday 8th June – After School Activity – Netball.

Fri June 9th – Caswell J – Class Assembly

Tues 13th June – PTA Friends of Brynmill Primary Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich Classes.

Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly

Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly

Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly

Fri 14th July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly

Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May – You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.

Value of the Month for May – Friendship

Parents Esafety Drop-in


We were delighted to have 3 responsible Digital Leaders be on hand during the Book Fair to share our E-Safety guidance. There will be another team on hand on Wednesday – please come over to find out about or ask any question related to keeping your child safe online, in particular about the growing pressures of social media.

Here is the discussion of our Pupil Voice Questionnaire with Children in Oxwich , completed in February.

Newsletter 19/05/23

Diarrhoea & Vomiting – The guidance from the NHS is – Anyone with symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting should stay at home and not attend school or nursery settings until 48 hours after symptoms have resolved.

Playworks – After School Club – We currently have space available in our After School Club. Playworks Brynmill After School Club runs Monday – Friday from the end of the school day until 5.45 pm. Children attending the club are provided with a healthy and nutritious buffet style afternoon snack in line with the Welsh Assembly Guidelines for Healthy Eating. The children are offered a variety of activities including, group games, art and craft cookery and outdoor play. The club is registered with The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). Parents/ Carers maybe eligible to access help towards their childcare costs to check eligibility contact HMRC directly. Playworks Brynmill is a registered provider of the 30 Hours Free Childcare Offer for Wales, for children aged 3-4 years to check your eligibility visit For more information or to book your child’s place contact Playworks Head Office on 02920 864780.

PTA News: 

Friends of Brynmill Primary Book Fair 2023: Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May | After school until 4:45pm

Books for all ages will be on sale. A percentage of book sales will result in new books for the school.

We will also be selling second hand uniforms for as little as 50p. Please bring cash to purchase uniforms but books can be purchased using card or cash. 

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Annual General Meeting this week, we’re very excited to welcome new committee members. Don’t forget if you’d like to find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities you can request to join our volunteer WhatsApp group on the link below:

Green Scene’s next monthly volunteer session is taking place Saturday 27th May at Brynmill Primary School nursery and reception yard. Come join the fun from 9-11am. Please message Jodi Moss on 07910705147 if you’d like to join. 

Easy Fundraising

Year 5 Pupils – Leavers Hoodies for next term – We will soon be taking orders for leavers hoodies that the current Year 5 pupils can wear next year when they are in Year 6. Look out for more details soon.

Leaving Brynmill? – We are starting to plan our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.

Free Period Products for Caswell & Oxwich Classes. We have some free eco friendly period products for girls in Caswell & Oxwich classes. If you would like your daughter to receive some, please complete this form.

Fruit Tuckshop – After half term we will be offering our Fruit Tuckshop to Nursery & Reception children. For £1.00 a week they will have a choice of healthy snacks to choose from each day. The Tuckshop is paid half termly online via sQuid. If you are interested and would like your sQuid Registration details please contact the school office.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

What’s Coming up?

Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May – Book Fair 2023 & 2nd Hand Uniform Sale – After school until 4:45pm

Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May – Book Fair 2023 & 2nd Hand Uniform Sale – After school until 4:45pm

Fri 26th May – Oxwich D – Class Assembly

Monday 5th June – Inset Day – school closed to pupils for staff training.

Fri June 9th – Caswell J – Class Assembly

Wed 14th June – PTA Friends of Brynmill Primary Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich Classes.

Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly

Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly

Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly

Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May – You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.

Value of the Month for May – Friendship

Newsletter 12/05/23

Leaving Brynmill? – We are starting to plan our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.

Free Period Products for Caswell & Oxwich Classes. We have some free eco friendly period products for girls in Caswell & Oxwich classes. If you would like your child to receive some, please complete this form.

Fruit Tuckshop – After half term we will be offering our Fruit Tuckshop to Nursery & Reception children. For £1.00 a week they will have a choice of healthy snacks to choose from each day. The Tuckshop is paid half termly online via sQuid. If you are interested and would like your sQuid Registration details please contact the school office.

Attendance – Just a reminder that if your child is not going to be in school, please inform our Attendance Officer – Miss Rees by 9.30am via email or leaving a message on our absence line stating the reason for your child’s absence.

Universal Free School Meals, please see the message below from the Local Authority Catering Team. Further to previous correspondence, we are pleased to announce we will be rolling out free school meals to all year 2 pupils after May half term. Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. We aim to roll out to further year groups as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

What’s Coming up?

Tuesday 16th May @ 9am – PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary A.G.M. all welcome.

Thursday 18th May – Netball After School Activity – Oxwich classes

Fri 19th May – Bracelet L – Class Assembly

Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May – Book Fair 2023 – After school until 4:45pm

Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May – Book Fair 2023 – After school until 4:45pm

Fri 26th May – Oxwich D – Class Assembly

Monday 5th June – Inset Day – school closed to pupils for staff training.

Fri June 9th – Caswell J – Class Assembly

Wed 14th June – PTA Friends of Brynmill Primary Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich Classes.

Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly

Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly

Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly

Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Fri 21st July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly

Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May – You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.

Value of the Month for May – Friendship

Newsletter 05/05/23

Easy Fundraising – Thank you to everyone for raising donations for Brynmill Primary School with #easyfundraising! If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely FREE. 7,400 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping – at no extra cost to you! Every donation you raise makes a difference to us so please sign up & share today.

Fruit Tuckshop – After half term we will be offering our Fruit Tuckshop to Nursery & Reception children. For £1.00 a week they will have a choice of healthy snacks to choose from each day. The Tuckshop is paid half termly online via sQuid. If you are interested and would like your sQuid Registration details please contact the school office.

Attendance – Just a reminder that if your child is not going to be in school, please inform our Attendance Officer – Miss Rees by 9.30am via email or leaving a message on our absence line stating the reason for your child’s absence.

PTA news – Below are details of upcoming events.

PTA Annual General Meeting 2023 – Join us on Tuesday 16th May after school drop off from 9-10am to discuss our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Tea and coffee and pastel de natas will be provided. 

Book Fair 2023 – Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May | After school until 4:45pm

Books for all ages will be on sale. A percentage of book sales will result in new books for the school.

Universal Free School Meals, please see the message below from the Local Authority Catering Team. Further to previous correspondence, we are pleased to announce we will be rolling out free school meals to all year 2 pupils after May half term. Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. We aim to roll out to further year groups as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

What’s Coming up?

Wednesday – After School Ball Skills for Y4 pupils

Thursday – After School Netball for Oxwich Pupils

Fri 12th May – Bracelet L – Class Assembly

Fri 19th May – Oxwich D – Class Assembly

Tuesday 23rd + Wednesday 24th May – Book Fair 2023 – After school until 4:45pm

Fri June 9th – Caswell J – Class Assembly

Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly

Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly

Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly

Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Fri 21st July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May – You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.

Value of the Month for May – Friendship

Newsletter 28/04/23

Universal Free School Meals, please see the message below from the Local Authority Catering Team. Further to previous correspondence, we are pleased to announce we will be rolling out free school meals to all year 2 pupils after May half term. Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. We aim to roll out to further year groups as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

Residential Trip – Just a reminder that the next installment of £20.00 is due on May 1st. This should bring you up to £100.00 paid of the £120.00. Please complete and return your Parent/Guardian Consent & medical Form as soon as possible.

What’s Coming up?

Wednesday – After School Ball Skills for Y4 pupils

Thursday – After School Netball for Oxwich Pupils

Fri 5th May – Bracelet M – Class Assembly

Fri 12th May – Bracelet L – Class Assembly

Fri 19th May – Oxwich D – Class Assembly

Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for April – You have the right to practice your own religion.

Value of the Month for April – Trust

Green Scene

Green Scene’s next monthly volunteer session is taking place this Saturday 29th April at Brynmill Primary School nursery and reception yard

We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, see you on Tuesday.

Newsletter 21/04/23

Welcome back to the start of our Summer Term.

Over the holidays the Green Scene Team have been in and made more improvements to our yard. To Jodi, Bev, and their team of volunteers we would like to say a big thank you.

Universal Free School Meals, please see the message below from the Local Authority Catering Team. Further to previous correspondence, we are pleased to announce we will be rolling out free school meals to all year 2 pupils after May half term. Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. We aim to roll out to further year groups as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.

What’s Coming up?

Thursday After School – Y4 Ball Skills ( change of day for this week only)

Thursday After School – Oxwich Classes – Netball

Fri 28th April – Oxwich J Class Assembly

Fri 5th May – Bracelet M – Class Assembly

Fri 12th May – Bracelet L – Class Assembly

Fri 19th May – Oxwich D – Class Assembly

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for April – You have the right to practice your own religion.

Value of the Month for April – Trust

PTA News

A huge thank you to everyone who joined in our Easter Egg Trail over the holidays, you helped raise £321 for the PTA fund!

One of our PTA members, Hannah Marvelley will be running the London Marathon this weekend, to raise funds for the Children’s Legal Centre Wales, based at Swansea University. If you’d like to support Hannah’s fundraiser, you can do so here. ( Go Hannah! 

We’ll be announcing our upcoming events for the rest of the year shortly. So do keep an eye on the school newsletter, Dojo and our Friends of Brynmill Primary School Facebook page

Reception children – The school nurses will be with us on Wed 26th for Height, Weight & Vision Checks, (rescheduled from the snow day).

Newsletter 24/03/23

School Start Time – Just a reminder that school starts at 8.50am with the gates opening at 8.40am. We are seeing an increase in parents who are frequently late, and therefore their children are missing approximately an hour, to an hour and a half of school a week. Please be on time.

School Finish Time – School finishes at 3.20pm, with the younger classes coming out a few minutes earlier. If you know you are unavoidably late, please contact us so we can reassure the children that you are on your way.

Parent Teacher Association News:
Family Film Night:
Thank you so much to everyone who attended the Family Film Night at Swansea University a few weeks ago. You helped raise a brilliant £167.50 for the PTA fund! Massive thanks to the team at Swansea University for hosting the event, they are in process of planning another screening for Caswell and Oxwich pupils and parents over the coming weeks. We’ll share details as soon as we can.

Easter Egg Trail:
Join us for an Easter egg trail around Brynmill Park Tuesday 4th 10am!
Starting point The Hide, collect your sheet and pencil to write down your findings and begin the search for 10 eggs hiden around the park. The race is on for a chance to win a prize for the 3 fastest times!
While you wait for the results to be announced 12pm there will be an Easter arts and crafts table set up in The Hide alongside a tea and coffee stand with delicious baked goods for sale.
£1 per child, every contestant will get chocolate eggs (‘free from’ chocolate available) a cup of squash and a biscuit. Hope to see you all there for some Easter fun!
If any parents would like to donate baked goods that we can sell during this event, please email us at Your delicious donations are welcomed!

PTA Volunteers:
If anyone is interested in volunteering at PTA events we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at if you’d like to join our PTA WhatsApp where we’ll be sharing information about upcoming volunteer opportunities.

What’s coming up?

There are NO After School Activities next week.

Wednesday – Onesie Wednesday – Children and staff invited to wear the Onesie ( Or Pyjamas) to school for Autism Acceptance. Suggested donation £1.00.

Friday – last day of term

Friday 31st March – Easter Bonnet Parade for children in Pobbles & Bracelet classes. Children are invited to make and wear an Easter or Spring themed hat. Parents are invited to stay after morning drop off to watch the parade in the front yard from 9.10am approximately.

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Half Term – Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June

Oxwich Classes Residential Trip to St Madoc Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd June.

Class Assemblies – Here is a list of upcoming Class Assemblies, where parents and grandparents are invited to come and watch. (These are subject to change so please keep an eye on Class Dojo and the Newsletter for Updates.)

Wednesday 29th March – Pobbles R – Mrs Roach

Friday 21st April – Caswell T – Mrs Timaeus

Wed 26th April – Oxwich J – Mrs Jenkins

As with all Class Assemblies, please can parents queue at Gate 2,after the children have been let in at the start of the school day. During Class assemblies, we do not expect the fire alarm to sound. All exits are signposted. Please familiarise yourself on entry.

Leaving Brynmill Primary School?

If you will be leaving Brynmill Primary, please give us as much notice as possible, as we currently have waiting lists for all year groups. Please contact the school office for a Leavers Form.

Green Scene

Green Scene’s first monthly volunteer session is taking place this Saturday 25th March at Brynmill Primary School nursery and reception yard. Come join the fun from 9-11am, we’ll be dismantling some old rotten flower beds, sweeping the yard and preparing for our next structure to be built in a few weeks

Please contact Jodi Moss on 07910705147 if you’d like to join

Newsletter 17/03/23

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for March – You have the right to an identity, including name & nationality

Value of the Month for March – Love

Attendance – Just a reminder that if your child is not going to be in school, please inform our Attendance Officer – Miss Rees by 9.30am via email or leaving a message on our absence line stating the reason for your child’s absence.

Diarrhoea & Vomiting – The guidance from the NHS is – Anyone with symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting should stay at home and not attend school or nursery settings until 48 hours after symptoms have resolved.

Routine Appointments Where ever possible please make routine appointments such as Dentist, Opticians etc. out of school time. If this is not possible, please make them for late afternoon, and arrange to collect your child early from school. If your child does have an appointment in the morning they should attend school after the appointment.

Achievements – We love to celebrate children’s achievements, and if they have any achievements out of school for sport, music, drama etc. please ask them to bring in their certificates and/or medals etc, so that they can have a leaf of our achievement tree or have their photo displayed in our Hall of Fame.

Class Assemblies – Here is a list of upcoming Class Assemblies, where parents and grandparents are invited to come and watch. (These are subject to change so please keep an eye on Class Dojo and the Newsletter for Updates.)

Wednesday 22nd March – Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze

Thursday 23rd March – Bracelet L – Mrs Lewis

Wednesday 28th March – Pobbles R – Mrs Roach

Friday 21st April – Caswell T – Mrs Timaeus

As with all Class Assemblies, please can parents queue at Gate 2,after the children have been let in at the start of the school day. During Class assemblies, we do not expect the fire alarm to sound. All exits are signposted. Please familiarise yourself on entry.

After School Clubs – ( Please ensure you have completed a consent form)

Monday – Caswell & Oxwich – Choir

Wednesday – Y4 Ball Skills

Thursday – Oxwich Classes – Netball

Coming Up

Friday 31st March – Easter Bonnet Parade for children in Pobbles & Bracelet classes. Children are invited to make and wear an Easter or Spring themed hat. Parents are invited to stay after morning drop off to watch the parade in the front yard from 9.10am approximately.

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Half Term – Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June

Oxwich Classes Residential Trip to St Madoc Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd June

Newsletter 10/03/23

Whats On?

Monday – Choir After School Club

Wednesday – School Closed for Industrial Action

Thursday – School Closed for Industrial Action

Friday – Red Nose Day – Dress up or Dress Down – Suggested donation £1.00. Please either pay on sQuid – Charity Offer, or cash on the day.

Friday – We are delighted to host a Parent workshop for CAMHS School In Reach. The workshop is designed to support parents with strategies to help with worries and resilience. This is a great opportunity to access the School In Reach programme. Please join us on the 17th March at 9:30. You are welcome to join us from 9am onwards. Please come to Gate 1. 

Parental Consultations are during the weeks beginning Monday 20th March, and Monday 27th March. Your child’s teacher has sent out a form to gather parental preferences about face to face or telephone meetings.

Friday 31st March – Easter Bonnet Parade for children in Pobbles & Bracelet classes. Children are invited to make and wear an Easter or Spring themed hat. Parents are invited to stay after morning drop off to watch the parade in the front yard from 9.10am approximately.

Easter Holidays – From April 3rd to April 14th

Half Term – week beginning Monday 29th May