Newsletter 03/03/23

Year 6 Cycle Proficiency – Please can those who have signed up for the cycling proficiency please bring their bikes and helmets in on Monday.

Monday – Choir – After School Activity (Caswell & Oxwich)

Wednesday – Mr Jenkins will be offering Year 4 children the Ball Skills After School Club on Wednesdays until 4.15pm.
If your child is interested please complete the online form.

Thursday – Netball – After School Activity (Oxwich)

Friends of Brynmill Primary – Film Night = For children in Pobbles and Bracelet only (and their siblings), limited tickets available.

Volunteers Please -We’d like to be able to gather some volunteers monthly to help maintain the garden, plant pots and yard generally. Duties would include weeding, general plant maintenance, sweeping the yard etc. Organised by a member of the Moss family, the maintenance would be carried out after school hours and/or on the weekends.

Nursery September 2023 – We will soon be processing applications for Nursery for September 2023. If you have any younger children, or have friends with younger children, please check that an application form has been submitted.

Change of Address – If you have recently moved, please remember to provide proof of your new address so that we can update our systems.

Safer Internet Day 2023

This year’s theme was


We had assemblies and also followed up with activities around positive conversations and relationships online. We did some pupil voice questionnaires to find out what their favourite things are to do online and there were some useful bits of feedback that we feel parents should be aware of. For further advice please see our E Safety Page.

Here are the assembly presentations:

3-7 year olds

7-11 year olds

Here is the discussion of our Pupil Voice Questionnaire with Children in Oxwich.

Newsletter 17/02/23

Parental Consents – We have updated our Consent Pack, and would be grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete it as soon as possible

Friends of Brynmill Primary – Film Night = For children in Pobbles and Bracelet only (and their siblings), limited tickets available.

St David’s Day – When we return after half term we will be celebrating St David’s Day on March 1st. Children are invited to wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby or Football Tops, or just wear red. We have a concert for school on Wednesday 1st March, and a concert for parents on Friday 3rd March. The following classes will be taking part.

Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze

Bracelet M – Miss Maliphant

Caswell H – Mrs Howard

Oxwich J – Mrs Jenkins

Oxwich E – Mrs Evans

If you would like to attend, please queue at Gate 2 from 9.00am (after the children have been let in for the start o the school day)

Brynmill World Book Day – We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 10th March, children and staff are invited to dress up as “Heroes or Villains in Books”

Fruit Tuckshop – (for children in Bracelet, Caswell & Oxwich classes) if you would like your child to have a piece of fresh fruit everyday next half term, please purchase the offer on sQuid.

Parent Workshop – CAMHS – We are delighted to host a Parent workshop for CAMHS School In reach. The workshop is designed to support parents with strategies to help with worries and resilience. This is a great opportunity to access the School In Reach programme. Please join us on the 17th March at 9:30. You are welcome to join us from 9am onward. Please come to Gate 1. 

What’s coming up?

Monday 27th – NO CHOIR

Wednesday 1st March – St David’s Day Concert for School, children can wear Welsh costumes, welsh rugby or football shirts, or anything red.

Wednesday 1st March – Oxwich Classes Residential Trip – Next installment date.

Wednesday 1st March – No Ball Skills

Thursday 2nd March – No Netball

Friday – St David’s Day Concert for Parents, can the children taking part in the concert please wear Welsh costumes, welsh rugby or football shirts, or anything red.

Newsletter 10/02/23

Strike Day Postponed – The planned strike on Tuesday 14th February has been postponed, school will be open as normal.

Universal Free School Meals
We are pleased to announce that the Local Authority’s Catering Department will be rolling out free school meals to all year 1 pupils after February half term. Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. They aim to roll out to further year groups as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

What’s Coming Up?

Monday – Choir – After School Activity (Caswell & Oxwich)

Tuesday – Strike postponed – School open as normal

Wednesday –Year 6 – Trip to Bishop Gore to see Little Shop of Horrors. Children will be walking to and from Bishop Gore, so please can they wear appropriate footwear and coats.

Ball Skills – After School Activity (Caswell) 

Thursday – Netball – After School Activity (Oxwich)

Half Term – Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Medicines – All medicines should be stored in the school office. If you child requires medication please contact the office to complete our medicine form.

Sickness – Vomit and or Diahorrea – In line with current guidelines, if your child vomits or has diahorrea they should stay away from school for 48 hours after the last episode, to avoid spreading germs to other children.

Change of address – If you have moved home in the last few months, please provide proof of your new address, such as a Council Tax Bill, Utility Bill, Driving Licence, or Tenancy agreement. Thank you

Dinner Monies – Just a little reminder that school dinners should be paid for in advance, please ensure that you have enough in your sQuid Account ( Dinner Money Purse) to pay for the week’s meals. You are able to set up an auto top up to ensure you never run out of funds. ( If you set up auto top up and you get a new debit card, please log in to your account to update your card details)

Birthdays  – We are happy to help your child celebrate their birthday with their classmates. If you would like to send in cake, please make sure it is in the form of  small individual cakes such as fairy cakes or mini rolls etc. Unfortunately we are unable to accept any large cakes which have to be sliced into smaller portions, gift bags or party decorations. Please check with the class teacher before hand as there may be children with dietary requirements in the class to take into account.

Newsletter 27/01/23

Coming Up

Monday – Choir – After School Activity (Caswell & Oxwich)

Wednesday – School closed to pupils because of Industrial Action

Thursday – Ball Skills – After School Activity (Caswell) (changed from Wednesday for this week only)

Thursday – Netball – After School Activity (Oxwich)

Half Term – Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Free Period Products – We have some free Eco Friendly Period Packs to give out to the girls in the Caswell & Oxwich Classes. Please complete this short form if you would like your daughter to receive some.

Collecting children at lunchtime – We know that making appointments such as medical or dental ones can be difficult to arrange out of school hours. 

If you do need to, please can you ensure that the school office is made aware of appointments ahead of time, as sometimes it can be challenging to ensure that pupils have finished lunch or are between lunch, the yard and the toilet etc. Thank you for your support with this. 

Newsletter 20/01/23

Food Bank

This week we donated the tins from our Harvest festival to Pantygwydr Church for distribution to a local food bank. Pat the organiser was very grateful for the generous donation, and thanked staff and children for help carrying everything to her car.

Coming Up

Monday – Choir – After School Activity (Caswell & Oxwich)

Wednesday – Ball Skills – After School Activity (Caswell)

Thursday – Netball – After School Activity (Oxwich)

Half Term – Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Reminder – School Dinners

The Council has a no debt policy and school dinners should be paid for in advance. It is possible to set an automatic top up so your account does not go below a certain amount.

Newsletter 13/01/23

Year 6 Cycle Training – Year 6 children will have the opportunity to take part in Cycle Training. They must have :-

A minimal level of bike handling skills and be able to ride the bike along unaided

A signed consent form – (being sent home next week)

A helmet which fits securely

A road worthy bike

Appropriate clothing and footwear

Internet Safety Day 2023 – Please find a link to Safer Internet Day

Social Media – Please find a link to an updated app guides for families, providing key information about the social media and gaming apps that children and young people are using today.

Mobile phones/ communication devices – We understand that older pupils may wish to bring a mobile phone or communication device to school, to support safety issues e.g. if they come to school independently. Should this be the case, we would like to ask you to remind them that their mobile phones/ communication device should be handed into the school office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day.

Gym Kit – We are appealing for donations of good quality used trainers/ jogging bottoms/ leggings to replace our stock of spare gym kit for Caswell & Oxwich.

Oxwich Classes Residential Trip – Please ensure you have paid your deposit if your child will be attending the residential visit in the Summer Term.

What’s coming up

Monday – Choir – After School Club (Caswell & Oxwich)

Thursday – Netball – After School Club (Oxwich)

Half Term – Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February

Easter Holidays – Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April

Vacancy – There is a vacancy for a Breakfast Club Assistant to work from 8.00am to 9.00am daily during term time. Full Training will be given, If you are interested please contact Anne Marie – Catering Service on 07966225493

Newsletter 16/12/22

Christmas Concerts – A big thank you to everyone for supporting the Christmas Concerts this week.

Christmas Parties – On Monday – Children are invited to wear their party clothes to school.

Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.

Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.

Kool Pack Amnesty – Our first aiders use Kool Packs to treat minor bumps, unfortunately a lot have gone missing over the last week or so, if any have made their way home in the bottom of school bags, please return them.


In line with curriculum changes, we intend giving more regular feedback on progress to parents. In the Autumn term, you will receive a brief report outlining learners main strengths and areas that need to be developed. This also includes ways that you can support your child at home. You can find out more here

Missing Bag – If anyone who attend the Oxwich Christmas Concert last night picked up the wrong bag, please can you let us know and bring it back to school so we can reunite it with its owner.

Coming Up

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)

Wednesday 21st December – Last Day of Term

Thursday 22nd December – Inset Day 4

Friday 23rd December – Inset Day 5

Monday 9th January – First day back

Newsletter 09/12/22

Attendance messages

If your child is not going to be in school for any reason please remember to inform Miss Rees our attendance officer by 9.30am. Please contact the school office by email/phone or School Gateway, please do not use ClassDojo. Unfortunately our switchboard system cannot process text messages, so please use 01792720076 for text messages only.

School Christmas Party On Monday 19th December we will be having our School Christmas Parties. Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.

Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.

Christmas Concerts – Our Christmas Concerts have started this week and continue the following week. Parents and other family members are welcome to attend. The evening concerts are very busy, so if possible could grandparents come to the morning concert, and parents attend the evening concert (or vice versa) There is a £1.00 per adult entry fee payable on the door. The classes will be selling items they have made for their enterprise projects, and The Friends of Brynmill Primary will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets. CASH ONLY for all purchases.

Afternoon concerts – Next week the children will be staying in school for their after school concerts, we will be providing them with a small snack and drink. There will be squash or water, and some plain biscuits (Vegan, Gluten free, Egg free option available for those with dietary requirements).

Christmas Raffle – Our lovely PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary have organised a Christmas Raffle with some fantastic prizes from local companies. Please follow the link

Coming Up

Tuesday 13th December – Bracelet Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Wednesday 14th December – Caswell Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Thursday 15th December – Oxwich Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Friday 16th December – School Christmas Dinner

Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – Children and staff invited to dress up in a Christmas Jumper and donate to Save the Children.

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)

Wednesday 21st December – Last Day of Term

Thursday 22nd December – Inset Day 4

Friday 23rd December – Inset Day 5

Monday 9th January – First day back