Newsletter 09/12/22

Attendance messages

If your child is not going to be in school for any reason please remember to inform Miss Rees our attendance officer by 9.30am. Please contact the school office by email/phone or School Gateway, please do not use ClassDojo. Unfortunately our switchboard system cannot process text messages, so please use 01792720076 for text messages only.

School Christmas Party On Monday 19th December we will be having our School Christmas Parties. Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.

Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.

Christmas Concerts – Our Christmas Concerts have started this week and continue the following week. Parents and other family members are welcome to attend. The evening concerts are very busy, so if possible could grandparents come to the morning concert, and parents attend the evening concert (or vice versa) There is a £1.00 per adult entry fee payable on the door. The classes will be selling items they have made for their enterprise projects, and The Friends of Brynmill Primary will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets. CASH ONLY for all purchases.

Afternoon concerts – Next week the children will be staying in school for their after school concerts, we will be providing them with a small snack and drink. There will be squash or water, and some plain biscuits (Vegan, Gluten free, Egg free option available for those with dietary requirements).

Christmas Raffle – Our lovely PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary have organised a Christmas Raffle with some fantastic prizes from local companies. Please follow the link

Coming Up

Tuesday 13th December – Bracelet Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Wednesday 14th December – Caswell Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Thursday 15th December – Oxwich Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Friday 16th December – School Christmas Dinner

Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – Children and staff invited to dress up in a Christmas Jumper and donate to Save the Children.

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)

Wednesday 21st December – Last Day of Term

Thursday 22nd December – Inset Day 4

Friday 23rd December – Inset Day 5

Monday 9th January – First day back

Newsletter 02/12/22

School Christmas Party On Monday 19th December we will be having our School Christmas Parties. Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.

Christmas Concerts – Our Christmas Concerts start next week, and continue the following week. Parents and other family members are welcome to attend. The evening concerts are very busy, so if possible could grandparents come to the morning concert, and parents attend the evening concert (or vice versa) There is a £1.00 per adult entry fee payable on the door. The classes will be selling items they have made for their enterprise projects, and The Friends of Brynmill Primary will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets. CASH ONLY for all purchases.

School Christmas Dinner – On Friday 16th December we will be having our School Christmas Dinner, if you would like your child to have the Christmas Dinner (even if they normally have a packed lunch) please make sure you are signed up to sQuid, and have at least £2.40 in the catering purse (except for Reception Children and those who have Free School Meals). If you need help with sQuid please contact the school office. If you haven’t already placed your order please do so here The deadline is next Friday at 2:00pm.

Christmas Raffle – Our lovely PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary have organised a Christmas Raffle with some fantastic prizes from local companies. Please follow the link

Coming Up

Fri 2nd December – Carol Aid at Pantygwydr Church 7:00pm

Wednesday – Enterprise Troopers After School Activity

Fri 9th December – Pobbles Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 2:30pm

Tuesday 13th December – Bracelet Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Wednesday 14th December – Caswell Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Thursday 15th December – Oxwich Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Friday 16th December – School Christmas Dinner

Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – Children and staff invited to dress up in a Christmas Jumper and donate to Save the Children.

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)


Christmas Concerts – Parents and other family members are welcome to attend. The evening concerts are very busy, so if possible could grandparents come to the morning concert, and parents attend the evening concert (or vice versa) There is a £1.00 per adult entry fee payable on the door. The classes will be selling items they have made for their enterprise projects, and The Friends of Brynmill Primary will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets. CASH ONLY for all purchases.

Carol Aid – Our choir will be taking part in Carol Aid at Pantygwydr Church next Friday at 7.00pm. It is open to the public if anyone would like to go along.

School Christmas Dinner – On Friday 16th December we will be having our School Christmas Dinner, if you would like your child to have the Christmas Dinner (even if they normally have a packed lunch) please make sure you are signed up to sQuid, and have at least £2.40 in the catering purse (except for Reception Children and those who have Free School Meals). If you need help with sQuid please contact the school office.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies – Just a reminder that the deadline for the hoodie order is Thursday 1st December. Please remember to change the £0.00 to the cost of your hoodie and save the change before adding it to your basket.

Pre Loved Uniform Sale – Please wait until pupils have exited via Gate 2. Staff will then let you in.

Coming Up

Monday – Choir After School Activity

Tuesday – Bracelet Bay Classes trip to the Gower Heritage Centre

Wednesday – Enterprise Troopers After School Activity

Thursday – Pre loved Uniform Sale.

Fri 2nd December – Carol Aid at Pantygwydr Church 7:00pm

Fri 9th December – Pobbles Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 2:30pm

Tuesday 13th December – Bracelet Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Wednesday 14th December – Caswell Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Thursday 15th December – Oxwich Bay Classes Christmas Concerts 9:30am & 4:00pm

Friday 16th December – School Christmas Dinner

Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – Children and staff invited to dress up in a Christmas Jumper and donate to Save the Children.

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)

Newsletter 18/11/22

Oxwich Parents – Meeting re residential – Thank you to everyone who completed our online form. There will be a meeting next Wednesday after school 3:30pm to 4:00pm if you have any questions or need more information. The price of the trip will be confirmed and we will set up an offer on Squid for you to pay your deposit and then either pay in full or by installments. If you are unable to make the meeting, don’t worry as we will be writing out to all those who have registered their interest.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies – These are now available to order, there is an offer set up on sQuid where you can choose the size and colour you would like to order. The deadline is Thursday 1st December. Unfortunately we will be unable to process any late orders.

Applications for Reception & Year 7 for September 2023 – If your child is in Nursery or Year 6 please ensure you have applied for your school place for next year by the deadline Friday 25th November 2022

Coming Up

Tuesday – Bracelet M Class Assembly 9.00am – Once you have dropped your child off, please make your way to Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place. Please wait until the classes have been admitted and the gate has been closed. Once all the children are in school we will reopen the gate for parents, grandparents etc.

Friday 16th December – School Xmas Dinner & Xmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 20th December – Carol Service at St Gabriels

Wednesday 21st December – Last Day of Term

Monday 9th January 2023- First Day of Term

End of year concerts

Each Bay Team will perform a morning and an afternoon concert. The after school performance (with exception of Pobbles) will start at 4 pm, which has the advantage of pupils being able to stay at the end of the school day so not needing to be collected and brought back to school. Additionally, children are less likely to be very tired the following day as the concerts will start and finish earlier.  

Newsletter 11/11/22

Proof of Address – If you have recently changed, or are changing your address please provide proof such as a driving licence, council tax bill or tenancy agreement.

Breakfast Club – Our Breakfast Club is getting more popular, this is just a reminder that we have a weekly booking in system via ClassDojo, please use this rather than ringing the school to book in.

Leaving the school – Some of our year groups are full, and we have a waiting list for any places that become available. If you are leaving the school for any reason, please give us as much notice as possible, so that we can offer the place to children on the waiting list. Thank you

Bracelet Bay Classes – Trip to the Gower Heritage Centre. Letters are being sent home today about the trip. Please complete the consent form and let us know your packed lunch preference, as school packed lunches have to be ordered in advance. We would appreciate voluntary contributions of £15.00. Unfortunately if we are unable to cover costs the trip may have to be cancelled.

Next Week

Monday – Odd Sock Day – Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, and on Monday Children are invited to wear odd socks in celebration of their individuality.

Tuesday at 9.00am approx- Mrs Breeze’s class assembly – Bracelet B. Once you have dropped your child off please make your way to Trafalgar Place. Once we have closed Gate 2 (double gates), please queue and we will reopen them once the children in the yard have come into school.


Children in Need Day – Children are invited to dress in something spotty and donate some money towards this worthwhile charity. Donations can be made online to the Charity Donation Offer. Suggested donation is £1.00 per child, but feel free to donate you chosen amount.

Newsletter 28/10/22

Half Term – School is closed next week for the half term holidays, and reopens on Monday 7th November.

Fruit – If you would like your child to have a piece of fresh fruit everyday, please pay on sQuid – Fruit Autumn 2 ( This offer is open for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils)

Reception and Year 7 Admissions – Just a reminder that if your child is in Nursery or Year 6 then it is time to apply for a place for next year. The application window closes on the 25th November. Please go to for more information.

Caswell & Oxwich Classes – Over the next few months, we’ll be working with researchers from Cardiff University and University of the West of England, Bristol, on a project that’s exploring children’s ideas about the changing food system. The research is looking at children’s hopes for, and ideas about, food systems of the future – especially at how they might become more ethical and sustainable. Caswell and Oxwich pupils will be involved, completing questionnaires in class this term, before participating in workshops in the spring. The workshops will introduce children to the global context of the food system and will encourage them to think about the information they need to engage critically with, and act on, complex and competing claims about different types of food. Information packs and Consent Forms are being sent home today.

Class Assemblies

Oxwich E – Mrs Evans – Friday 11th November 9.00am approximately

Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze – Tuesday 15th November 9.00am approximately

Parents, Carers and Grandparents are invited to join us for the class assemblies. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place ( once the classes have been let in and the gate is closed)

Children in Need – On Friday 18th November we will help raise money for Children in Need. Children and staff are invited to wear something ‘Spotty’, and donate to this worthwhile charity. Suggested donation is £1.00 per child. Please pay with online with sQuid – Charity Offer.

Advance Notice – Bracelet Bay Classes are going to the Gower Heritage Centre on Tuesday 29th November, for activities based on the story “The night before the night before Christmas”. We will confirm the price when we return after half term.

Inset Days – We have 2 Inset Days at the end of term, so the last day in school will be Wednesday 21st December.

Welsh Water: Help for vulnerable families
With October Half Term fast approaching, we know some families will struggle to
afford essentials.
Families with children who receive traditional free school meals and are in receipt of
a qualifying benefit, may also be entitled to help towards their water bills from Welsh
What financial support is available from Welsh Water?
By switching to Welsh Water’s HelpU tariff, customers could save up to £230 off their
water bill. Find out more here.

Free Meals

Newsletter 21/10/22

Shwmae! It was lovely to see the children and staff dressed in red today to celebrate Shwmae day, and have the opportunity to share the Welsh Language.

Flu Vaccine. The school nurses will be with us on Friday to give the Nasal Flu Vaccine to those who have consented. If you haven’t returned your form please do so as soon as possible, even if you are not consenting. If you have misplaced your form, please ask the office for a spare.Thank you

School Disco – The Friends of Brynmill Primary are putting on a school Disco on Thursday, please see the posters, and Dojo posts for more information. There is also a carved pumpkin competition.

Easy Fundraising – Please support the school by using Easy Fundraising before your online shopping.

Parking – As we all know, finding a parking spot is not easy around the school. However we would like to remind parents that the children’s safety is paramount, therefore DO NOT PARK on the double yellow lines at pick up and drop off times.

Oxwich Bay Classes Residential Trip – We are gauging interest in a residential trip to Llanmadoc in the Summer Term for the Year 5/ Year 6 classes. Please complete the form

Half Term – The half term holidays are from Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November.

Fruit Tuckshop – Please pay £7.00 for the half term leading up to Christmas if you would like your child to have a piece of fresh fruit or healthy snack from our Tuck Shop. (For Y1 to Y6 children). Alternatively you are welcome to send in a healthy snack for them to enjoy at breaktime.

Workshop for Parents – On Wednesday 26th October we have a Safety/RSE workshop for parents at 4.30pm. Please use Gate 1. This will give us an opportunity to talk about relationships education (RSE), and our shared approaches to keeping learners safe online.

Free Breakfast during Half Term

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Online programme.

I am pleased to tell you that this term we will be participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme. This consists of an online assembly and supporting classroom based activities. Speak out. Stay safe. is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly way. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.

In the online assembly, the Speak out. Stay safe. messages are delivered in a fun and interactive way with the help of their mascot Buddy as well as special guest appearances from Ant and Dec.

We have studied the content of the materials and are extremely confident that they are appropriate for primary-school-aged children. By the end of the programme, we’re convinced children will feel empowered – knowing how they can speak out and stay safe.

If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme you can find information on the NSPCC website or I would be happy to discuss any questions that you may have.

Additional resources – Adapted assembly for home use – The NSPCC has also developed an adapted version of their assembly for parents/carers to use at home with their children.  This can be found  With the help of celebrities, the film focuses on how a child can get support if they have any worries or concerns.

To complement the assembly, there are some resources that can be used to enable further discussion whilst doing activities with your children.  These are hosted on the NSPCC website  

Online safety hub – You may also like to visit the NSPCC Online Safety Hub where you will find advice and information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing nudes, parental controls and more.

You will also find online safety information for families of children with additional needs and disabilities. We have worked with Ambitious about Autism and parents and carers who have children with additional needs and disabilities to create activities to help talk about online safety which you can find at

Childline Under 12’s Website – Childline also have a website with age appropriate advice for primary school children on topics such as bullying.  It also has games and other interactive tools. Your child can visit it at

If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website

Talking PANTS with your children – Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides a simple but valuable rule that can help keep your child safe. You can find out more and download the free resources at

Penguin and Ladybird have partnered with the NSPCC to create a brand new Pantosaurus book aimed at children ages 4 – 8. You can find copies of the new book on sale, either in Matalan’s selected stores and online, selected SPAR stores or at All profits from the sale of this book will support the NSPCC.

Support the NSPCC – You may be interested in the NSPCC’s new selection of BUDDY goodies available from the NSPCC shop at which make perfect gifts for children – and all profits go to help keep children safe.

Attendance Letter from the Director of Education

Dear Parent / Carer,
I am delighted that schools have been able to return to normal opening this autumn
following two and a half difficult years. However, after such an uncertain time not
everything has returned as it was before the pandemic. For example, we have noticed
that many children in Swansea are not attending school as regularly as they were
previously. We are worried about this because evidence suggests that good attendance
at school improves life chances for children and young people and we want to be certain
we do everything possible to ensure each child in Swansea has the best opportunity to
The most obvious benefits of regular school attendance are that pupils are given the
best opportunity to learn when they are in school. Good attendance supports
achievement in learning and helps children to progress. We would like all children in
Swansea to leave school with the qualifications they need to take the next steps they
want to in their lives. That may be employment or further study but whatever they
choose, good attendance at school should offer the stepping stone to the next stage.
It is also important to know that regular attendance at school can help children and
young people improve their wellbeing. Benefits of attending school regularly include:
 building good habits and establishing routines which in turn help children to feel
secure and gain confidence.
 building good relationships with adults and other children is much easier when
attendance is regular. These relationships help children develop self-esteem .
 for a few families, children’s regular attendance at school allows parents to get
other things done and makes the time at home more enjoyable.
 children who regularly miss sessions, or are often late for school, often feel they
are missing out or need to try harder just to understand what is going on or what
other children are talking about or doing.
 regular attendance helps many young children to be supported to naturally
separate from their parents or carers and begin to develop life skills.
We realise that the uncertainty of the last few years has had an impact on many families
and children. We would like to encourage all families to try and return to regular
attendance at school, if they are not already. If you feel you need any additional help
and support then you can contact your child’s school or our Education Welfare Service who may be able to offer help and support.
Helen Morgan-Rees
Director of Education

Newsletter 14/10/22

Harvest Festival – The following classes are taking part in our Harvest Festival on Thursday at 9.15ish. Please queue at Gate 2 (after the children have been let in at the start of the day, and the gate has closed after them.)

Oxwich D, Caswell J, Bracelet L & Caswell T.

Harvest Collection, we are collecting long lasting food (tins and packets) to donate to those in need, if you have anything to donate, please send donations in from Monday.

Trips – We will make the decision on Monday as to whether the Caswell & Oxwich Trips are going ahead, at the time of writing unfortunately we haven’t received enough voluntary contributions to cover costs. If you are able to contribute please do so over the weekend. Thank you

Free School Meals & other grants. – As the cost-of-living rises, no child should go without. In Wales, nearly half of parents are not claiming the free school meals that their children are entitled to. We are writing to remind you of the three types of support you might be entitled to.

Don’t miss out on Free School Meals. School meals promote healthy eating, increase the variety of food your child might eat, and can improve behaviour and social skills. If you receive certain benefits, or your circumstances have changed, check if you’re entitled through Free school meals – Swansea

If your child already gets free school meals, there could be more help available through School Essentials (PDG Access). This helps with the costs of school essentials like uniforms and equipment to make sure they are ready for the school day.

The rollout of Universal Primary Free School Meals began in September 2022, starting with children in Reception. Find out more here

Please note, if you are in receipt of Free School Meals, parents will still need to apply separately for School Essentials (PDG Access) to access all of the funding available.

Newsletter 10/10/22

School Gateway – Please download the School Gateway App, which is part of the SchoolComms system.

Attendance – If you have any attendance messages please contact the school office by email/phone or School Gateway, please do not use ClassDojo.

Reminder – School Photos – The school photographer will be with us tomorrow ( with Wednesday as a reserve day) Please ensure you have registered with them to have your child’s photo taken.

Please follow the link to register

School Trips – Caswell & Oxwich have trips coming up, and we are asking for voluntary contributions to cover the costs. Unfortunately trips may be cancelled if we are unable to cover the cost of admission and transport.

Vomiting & Diahorrea – The current guidance is that children must stay off school for 48 hours following any vomiting or diahorrea.

Inset Day – Reminder we have an Inset Day on Friday, when school is closed to pupils for staff training.

Caswell H – Mrs Howard’s class assembly is tomorrow, parents and grandparents are invited to come and watch. Please queue at Gate 2 (after the classes have come in and the Gate has been locked).

Building a strong community

Home school communication is important to us at Brynmill. In terms of home/ school communication, we want to ensure that:

  • parents and carers contact the member of staff who is best placed to respond.
  • important messages are not missed simply because they have not been sent directly to the ‘right’ member of staff.

Class Dojo is currently used as a means of communication. Messages can be sent to class teachers and some other school staff. Staff will try their best to check communication throughout the school day; however, the school day is extremely busy and therefore messages may not be seen until it’s too late. If there is an urgent message please contact the school office.

Please be aware that messages sent outside of the working day (approx. 8:30 am – 5:00 pm) may not be read and therefore class teachers and school staff are unlikely to respond. For this reason, we respectfully ask parents and carers to avoid contacting staff outside of the working day if at all possible

Here are a few examples of the types of things that you may want to raise or discuss and the staff member who is best placed to respond:

Class teacherFamily Wellbeing LeaderSchool Office/ Admin Team
Sharing important information with your child’s class teacherMrs Ciaburri is our Family Well Being Leader she can be contacted by phone or on class dojo.    Mrs Morgans – School Administrator Miss Rees – Attendance and Dinner money (sQuid) & general enquiries Mrs Evans/ Miss Woollacott – Resources and general enquiries.
Any worries or concerns about learning or issues directly related to your child in class Anything relating to the mental or emotional wellbeing of your child, for example, request for support with routines at homeImportant messages, for example an unplanned problem with collection arrangements.
 To update Mrs Ciaburri with information that you would like to share.  Messages about your child’s attendance, any issues in relation to absence or punctuality.  
  Squid/ Dinner Money/ issues with Class Dojo.  
Please do not send urgent messages/ messages about attendance or squid to your child’s class teacher as they will not be read whilst your child’s teacher is teaching.   Please speak to our school office instead.   If you are not sure who to speak to, please speak to a member of the Admin Team, giving a brief reason for your call.      

End of year concerts

Many of us have missed the end of year concerts for the past couple of years and have been eagerly awaiting news of their return in 2022. Each Bay Team will perform a morning and an afternoon concert. The after school performance (with exception of Pobbles) will start at 4 pm, which has the advantage of pupils being able to stay at the end of the school day so not needing to be collected and brought back to school. Additionally, children are less likely to be very tired the following day as the concerts will start and finish earlier.  We wanted to give parents/carers/ families as much notice as possible, please find details below:

Newsletter 30/09/22

School Photographers – Our school photographers will be here on Tuesday to take individual and sibling photos of children in school. They may also be here on the Wednesday if they don’t finish taking all the photos.

They will need parental consents filled in from each child by Thursday 6th October at the latest. Please follow the link below to access the form. Thank you.

Volunteers – Thank you to everyone who responded to our volunteers questionnaire. We have a meeting on Monday 17th October at 9:15am for anyone who is interested in volunteering.

School Trip – Oxwich classes will be going to Theatre Na Nog on Wednesday 26th October, we are asking for Voluntary Contributions of £13.00. Unfortunately if we do not cover the costs we may have to cancel the trip. Please pay on sQuid.

School Trip – Caswell classes will be going to Caerleon on Monday 24th October, we are asking for Voluntary Contributions of £20.00. Unfortunately if we do not cover the costs we may have to cancel the trip. Please pay on sQuid. Please note the children will return to school at 4:00pm approximately.

Inset Day – Our next Inset Day is Friday 14th October, when school will be closed to pupils for staff training.

Half Term – Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November

Class Assembly – Oxwich J have their class assembly next week on Tuesday 4th October at 9:10am. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend. Please start queuing at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 9:00am. As that gate is in use by Caswell T & Caswell J, please let the classes enter first, and wait for the gate to close before queuing, we will reopen the gate once the classes are in.

Parent/Teacher Meetings – Meet the Bay Team. As you may be aware we have renamed our classes this year after various bays/beaches around Swansea. Therefore Year Group Meetings are now called Bay Team meetings. These take place next week:-

Oxwich D – Mr Davies
Oxwich E – Mrs Evans
Oxwich J – Mrs Jenkins

Monday 3rd October 2022 at 4:00pm
Please use Gate 1

Caswell H – Mrs Howard
Caswell T – Mrs Timaeus
Caswell J – Mr Jenkins

Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 4:00pm
Please use Gate 1

Bracelet L – Mrs Lewis
Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze
Bracelet M – Miss Maliphant

Tuesday 4th October 2022 at 4:00pm

Please use Gate 1

Pobbles R – Mrs Roach

Pobbles B – Miss Brown

Tuesday 4th October 2022 at 3:30pm

 Please use Gate 5