Newsletter 06/09/19

Croeso/ Welcome – Welcome back to our existing pupils, and welcome to our new pupils, we hope we all have a great year at Brynmill Primary School.

Inspection – We are delighted to provide a link to our latest Estyn report following our school inspection last term. Many of those who’ve already read the report have told us that it is a pleasure to read and I must say that I agree.

Staff, governors, parents, carers and of course the children have always worked well together making our school a very special, caring community and we are always pleased when this is recognised by others. Staff took the opportunity to reflect upon the inspection report during one of the recent INSET day activities. I also asked the staff to identify a few highlights from the report which proved to be a difficult task as there were so many positives to celebrate. We are particularly proud that ESTYN recognised the excellent behaviour of our pupils with “Nearly all pupils display high levels of respect and tolerance to one another, staff and visitors.” We are also delighted that ESTYN noted that “teachers plan engaging topics with pupils that capture their imagination and making learning exciting” and that our pupils are supported by a “team of skilful learning support assistants provide highly effective pastoral and learning support.” ESTYN also recognised the “robust leadership” provided by schools leaders and governors, noting that our leadership “processes and opening dialogue ensures that all staff, governors, parents and pupils take full part in evaluating how well the school is performing.”

As a school that resolutely avoids complacency and both seeks and embraces challenge in our quest to be the best we can be within the scope of our resources, it is nice to take this opportunity to celebrate and heartily congratulate everyone for their contribution to making Brynmill Primary such a successful school.

Year Group Meetings

Monday 16th September – UFP – Year 1 and Year 2 at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm

Tuesday 17th September  –  KS2 – Years 3,4,5 &6 at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm

Wednesday 18th September – LFP – Nursery & Reception at 2.30pm

Book Fair – The FBP – Friends of Brynmill Primary will be running their book fair next week to coincide with the Year Group Meetings, we are very grateful for their support and the money raised goes towards buying resources for the school.

Second Hand Uniform Sale – The FBP will also be running a second hand uniform sale at the Book Fair, and would appreciate donations of clean uniform that your children have grown out of.

Learn Welsh – The University are running some Learn Welsh Courses which may be of use to parents  –

Easy fundraising – If you shop online please join Easyfundraising, and we can receive a small donation when you shop with retailers such as Amazon, Argos, Tesco etc.

Drama Club – We have the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy starting with us on the 17th, offering an after school drama club for Years 1 to 6. Letters have been sent home, spare copies are available from the school office.

Inset Days – Our next Inset Day is on Monday 7th October, when school will be closed to pupils for staff training. Our last Inset Day will be on Monday 20th July 2020. We will let you know of our other Inset days when they are announced.

Co-op – If you shop at the Co-op, please consider nominating  Brynmill Primary School as your chosen charity.

Recycling  – Just a reminder that we collect and recycle batteries, used writing implements and empty crisp packets.

Rags2Riches – We have our next collection for the Rags2Riches appeal booked for Wednesday 16th October. Please start saving any clean dry reusable clothing. The money raised is used to buy much needed resources for the school.

ClassDojo – Please ensure you are signed up to Classdojo which lets parents and teachers communicate easily, and  we can use it for reminders and urgent messages. You should have access to the main school page, your children’s class, and any after school groups they may attend.

What’s On Next Week?

Eid Parties – Next Friday we have our Eid Parties. Children are invited to wear their party clothes, and bring in some food to share (please see below). Please note this is in addition to school dinner/packed lunch.

Y5/6D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, mini dessert
Y5/6E—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y4/5J – Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y3/4T—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, biscuits
Y3/4N—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y1/2H—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y1/2L—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y1/2B—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Nursery & Reception—Individual labelled plate with a selection of party food

What’s Coming Up ?

Week beginning Monday 16th September – Year Group Meetings, Book Fair & Second Hand Uniform Sale.

Tuesday 17th September – Drama Club

Fri 4th October  – Class Assembly Y1/2H

Monday 7th October – Inset Day 3

Wed 16th October – Rags2Riches Collection

Fri 18th Oct – Class Assembly Y4/5J

Wed 23rd October – Harvest Festival for parents – Y1/2B, Y5/6E, Y3/4T, Y3/4N, LFPR

Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November – Half Term

Monday 4th November/ Tuesday 5th November – School Photographer for Individual and Sibling Photos

Fri 8th November  – Class Assembly Y5/6D

Fri 22nd November – Class Assembly Y 3/4T

Fri 6th December – LFP Christmas Concerts at 9.30am and 1.30pm

Tuesday 10th December – UFP Christmas Concerts at 9.30am and 5.30pm

Wed 11th December – Y3/4 Christmas Concerts at 9.30am and 5.30pm (including Y4J)

Thursday 12th December – Y5/6 Christmas Concerts at 9.30am and 5.30pm (including Y5J)


Newsletter 19/07/19

Goodbye to our Year 6 children , we wish them all the best in Secondary School, we will miss you. Goodbye to all the other children who are leaving us this year for various reasons, we wish you all the best in your new schools.

Goodbye to Mr Mizen, after an emotional assembly today, pupils and staff had the chance to say goodbye to Mr Mizen, we wish him well, and hope that he will be able to visit us for some Assemblies in the future.

School Dinners – From September school dinners will cost £2.40 per day or £12.00 per week, please remember to top up your sQuid Account regularly.

New Reception Class – For the children joining us in Reception in September, we have the opportunity to try a free School Dinner on the first day back – Wednesday 4th September. If you would like you child to have the free meal, please just don’t send in a packed meal that day.

We hope you have a lovely holiday and see you on Wednesday 4th September.



Newsletter 12/07/19

Goodbye and good luck

Mr Mizen has informed us that he is planning to move onto new pastures so we will reluctantly be saying goodbye. He has been offered an opportunity to undertake a pastoral role at Lifepoint Church, which after much consideration, he has decided to accept.

I’d like to thank Mr Mizen for the hardwork and commitment he has shown during his time here in Brynmill. I know that he will not only be missed by  the staff but also by the many children he has taught, helped (as a first aider), or who participated in the extracurricular clubs he ran including Code club and Football club.

We sincerely wish him the best of luck for the future and hope that he will come back to visit his ‘Brynmill Primary Family’ from time to time.

We are please that Mrs Timaeus will remain with us next term until a permanent member of staff is appointed to replace Mr Mizen.

Online Assessments

For Y2 to Y6, who have completed the online procedural tests, the results and feedback will be available online  in due course. We will keep you informed once we have further information.

After School Clubs

Monday – Eco

Thursday  – Football

Next week, and beyond!

Monday 15th July – Transition morning – Children will spend time in their new classes.

Monday 15th July – Open afternoon for Parents to come and see their children’s work 2.15pm to 3.10pm

Wednesday 17th July – Leavers’ Assembly 9.00am to approx 10.00am

Thurs 18th July – Y5/6 trip to Bishop Gore to see School of Rock

Thurs 18th July – Year 5 Festival – Children are invited to bring in a couple of pounds to spend on games etc.

Fri 19th July – Last Day of term – Toy Day –  3.20pm finish

Monday 2nd September – Inset Day 1

Tuesday 3rd September – Inset Day 2

Congratulations to Y1/2H with 95.5%, and to Y5/6E with 100% attendance this week.


Newsletter 05/07/19

Royal Visit – On Wednesday 30 pupils went to Victoria Park to greet Prince Charles and Camilla who were visiting Swansea as part of the 50 years celebration since Swansea was made a City.

Congratulations to Mrs Jenkins’ class, who had the highest attendance out of all the classes for the Spring Term, they have chosen a street dance lesson as their prize, this will take part next week.

Letter from Governors – Please lookout for the letter from Governors about next year’s classes which is being sent home via schoolcomms.

What’s Coming Up?

Monday 15th July – Transition morning – Children will spend time in their new classes.

Monday 15th July – Open afternoon for Parents to come and see their children’s work

Wednesday 17th July – Leavers’ Assembly 9.00am to approx 10.00am

Thurs 18th July – Y5/6 trip to Bishop Gore to see School of Rock

Thurs 18th July – Year 5 Festival – Children are invited to bring in a couple of pounds to spend on games etc.

Fri 19th July – Last Day of term – Toy Day –  3.20pm finish

Monday 2nd September – Inset Day 1

Tuesday 3rd September – Inset Day 2

Newsletter 28/06/19

Attendance  – Congratulations to LFPR with 95% and to Y3/4D with 99.6% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau!

School Holidays – Please remember that applications for time off school must be submitted to the school office 10 days in advance.

School Letters – Please note we require 5 working days notice for letters for Embassies, Visas, or for confirming attendance at the school.

What’s on next Week?

Tomorrow, our PTA have a stall at the Brynmill Park Fun Day, please pop by and say hello if you are going.

On Wednesday some of our KS2 children have been invited to Victoria Gardens for the Royal Visit by Prince Charles & Camilla. We had over 90 expressions of interest, so had to do a random draw to select the 30 children that will go. Any one who didn’t get picked first time will go on a reserve list.

On Thursday we welcome parents of children starting with us in September.

Friday is the  Y3/4J Class Assembly,

After School on Friday is the FBP  Summer Fete. If you have any donations for the hampers or tombola please can you bring them to the office as soon as possible. Thank you

What’s Coming Up?

Monday 15th July – Transition morning – Children will spend time in their new classes.

Monday 15th July – Open afternoon for Parents to come and see their children’s work

Wednesday 17th July – Leavers’ Assembly

Thurs 18th July – Y5/6 trip to Bishop Gore to see School of Rock

Fri 19th July – Last Day of term – Toy Day –  3.20pm finish

Monday 2nd September – Inset Day 1

Tuesday 3rd September – Inset Day 2


Newsletter 21/06/19

Royal Visit – KS2  (Year 3 to 6) children have been invited to put their names forward to attend the royal visit to Swansea  on the 3rd July. We have had over 60 names already, and will be doing the draw next Wednesday, if you would like your child to be included into the random draw, please make sure you have returned the slip to the office by Wednesday morning.

Congratulations to LFPR with 99% attendance and to Y3/4N with 98.5% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau!

Lost Property – We have sorted through the lost property, and all labelled items have been reunited to their owners. However there are still 33 school jumpers, 50 pieces of other clothing, 9 lunchboxes, 15 coats, and 2 superhero capes left. If your child has lost anything please claim it within the next two weeks. Anything left will be reused or recycled.

Sports Day – Our sports day is next Tuesday, and letters have gone home with more information. Parents are invited to join us at St Helen’s Rugby Ground from 9.30 until 12ish. If the weather is bad we have a reserve date of Wednesday 26th June.

School Dinners – Please remember, if your child has school dinners it is your responsibility to ensure there is enough credit on your sQuid account. Please ensure that  sQuid is topped up regularly, and consider setting up the auto top up feature, which means that you will never run out of funds. The council has a No Debt Policy letter. If there is no money on your account then unfortunately you will have to provide a packed lunch.

Health & Wellbeing Fortnight – We are off to a flying start with this whole school project, with healthy eating workshops, mindfulness, and extra fitness sessions. We also have football sessions and food demos coming up in due course.

What’s on Next Week ?

Monday – Eco Club, Football Match

Tuesday – Sports Day

Wednesday – Reserve Sports Day

Thursday – Bishop Gore Transition Day for Y6 pupils.

Friday  – LFPR Class Assembly

Friday – Bishop Gore Transition Day

What’s Coming Up ?

Wed 3rd July – Royal Visit to Swansea – 30 KS2 pupils to attend.

Thurs 4th July – Meeting for parents of children joining us in September ( resheduled from Wed 3rd July)

Fri 5th July – Y3/4j Class Assembly

Fri 5th July – PTA Summer Fete

Wed 17th July – Y6 Leavers Assembly

Thurs 18th July – Y5/6 trip to Bishop Gore to see School of Rock

Fri 19th July – Last Day of Term, Toy Day,  3.20pm finish

Monday 2nd September – Inset Day 1

Tuesday 3rd September – Inset Day 2

Wednesday 3rd September – School starts






Newsletter 14/06/2019

Inspection:- thank you for the support during our Inspection, the results will be shared with the school and parents in due course.

Attendance:- Congratulations to Y1/2L with 96.2%  & to Y5/6E with 98.9 attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau!

Enterprise Week –  All the classes have been busy designing and making products to sell, and some of our Enterprise Troopers went to Castle Square today to sell the products to the general public. The products will also be on sale at the FBP School Fete.

Vacancy for Parent Governor – Nomination forms have been sent home for our Parents Governor Vacancies, please return by 3.30pm next Friday. Please contact Mrs Morgans if you need any information on being a school Governor.

What’s On Next Week ?

Monday – Eco Club until 4pm

Wednesday –  Y5/6M Swimming

Wednesday pm – Nursery Open Session

Thursday am  – Football Club

Thursday am  – Nursery Open Session

Friday –  Y1/2H Class Assembly

What’s Coming Up ?

Tuesday 25th June am Sports Day for Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground

Wednesday 26th June am Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 26th June  pm – Nursery Open Session

Thursday 27th June am  – Nursery Open Session

Friday 28th June – LFPR Class Assembly

Fri 5th July – Y3/4J Class Assembly

Fri 5th July – PTA Summer Fete

Monday 15th July – Open Afternoon

Wednesday 17th July – Leavers Assembly

Thursday 18th July – Y5/6 trip to see School of Rock in Bishop Gore

Fri 19th July – Last Day of Term, Toy Day, school finishes at 3.20pm



Newsletter 24/05/19

Happy Half Term! We hope you all have a lovely break, and we’ll see you on Tuesday 4th June.

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2H with 97.6 % and to Y5/6E with 98.5% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau

Fruit Tuck Shop – Please remember to pay for Fruit in advance ( Summer 2nd half on sQuid)

Dinner Money – Please remember to top up the Catering Purse for School Dinners.

Inset Days – Our next Inset Days are Monday 3rd June, Monday 2nd September, and Tuesday 3rd September

Happy Eid al Fitr to those celebrating the end of Ramadan.

What’s happening after Half Term?

Wednesday – Choir

Thursday – Football

Friday – Y3/4D Class Assembly – All welcome.

What’s coming up?

Sports Day – Our sports day is on Tuesday 25th June. It will be in the morning at St Helen’s Rugby/Cricket Ground. Parents are welcome to join us (Reception to Y6 only). If the weather is bad, the reserve sports day will be on Wednesday 26th June.

Governor Elections – We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor coming up, if you are interested or require more information please contact Mrs Morgans. Nomination forms will be sent out in due course.

School Fete – The School Fete will be on Friday 5th July, we hope you will be able to support this event run by the Friends of Brynmill Primary.

School of Rock – Y5/6 have been invited to see School of Rock at Bishop Gore on Thursday 18th July

Sun Hat/Sun cream – As the weather is getting warmer, please can we remind you to ensure your child is wearing long lasting sun cream, and has a sun hat for outdoor play. Diolch.

Mad Science – There are a few spaces available for the Mad Science After School Club starting on Tuesday 11th June.  Click The Link to Book Online:    

Rags 2 Riches – We are running our Rags 2 Riches Recycling/Fundraising Scheme again. Please donate clean old clothes for collection on Wed 12th June. Unfortunately we cannot accept donations until Monday 10th June. Money raised will be used to purchase Eco topic books for the classes.



Newsletter 17/05/19

Inset Days – The Inset Days in September are Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd, school will start on Wednesday 4th September.

Next Academic Year – If you are not going to be with us in September, please contact the school office to complete the appropriate paperwork. (This does not apply to Y6 who will be moving on to Secondary School.)

PTA -Movie Night. Tickets are available from the office priced at £5.00 which includes the price of the film and refreshments. The arrangements are:- KS2 children can be unaccompanied, Foundation Children must be supervised by an adult. The children will leave their classes just before the end of the day and go straight to the Dining Hall for their refreshments. Any adults who are coming to accompany their children are asked to make their way to the Fire Escape outside Mrs Jenkins’ classroom (De Breos Street) where they will be let in just after 3.20pm to join their children.

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2L with 98.9% attendance and Y3/4J with 99.3% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau!

Medicine  – The school has a small supply of Calpol & Piriton for use in an emergency, however if your child is under the weather before coming into school, and you want them to have medicine during the school day, please send in a labelled bottle together with written instructions (child’s name, dosage, timing etc). Thank you

Competition Time – we have a lovely competition to design an engraved wooden sign for the Discovery Centre in Brynmill Park. If you are interested please pick up an entry form from the school office.

What’s on next week ?

Monday – Eco Club until 4pm

Wednesday – PTA Movie Night (please see above for arrangements)

Wednesday –  Y5/6E Swimming

Thursday – Football Club

Friday  – Y5/6 River Trip. We are asking for voluntary contributions of £3.00 towards the cost of the bus.

What’s Coming Up ?

Half Term – Monday 27th May to Fri 31st May

Monday 3rd June – Inset Day

Tuesday 11th June – Mad Science After School Club

Wednesday 12th June – Rags to Riches, collection of clean old clothes.

Fri 14th June  – Y3/4N Class Assembly

Fri 21st June – Y1/2H Class Assembly


Newsletter 10/05/19

Plastic Free Day – Thank you to everyone who joined in with Plastic Free Day, a lot of children had reusable water bottles and plastic free lunches, we even had the milk delivered in glass bottles, which was nostalgic for some members of staff, and a complete novelty for the children! The Eco club were interviewed by Bay TV about the initiative, and we will let you know when you can see it.

School Photographer is with us next week on Wednesday for Class & Team photos, please can all children wear school uniform or school colours. Y6’s can wear their leavers hoodies.

Y5/6 Swimming Sessions – Please note that these have changed from a Thursday morning to a Wednesday afternoon.

What’s on next Week ?

Monday  – Eco Club

Wednesday – School Photographer

Wednesday –  Choir, Y4 to Y6 for existing members of the choir.

Thursday –  Football

What’s Coming Up?

Fri 24th May – Y5/6 River Trip. Please pay voluntary contributions of £3.00 on sQuid

Monday 3rd June – Inset Day

Wed 5th June – Eid – Please let the school office know if you will not be attending school due to religious observance.

Mad Science After School Club, in a change to the advertised dates, these will now start on Tuesday 11th June, and finish on 16th July.

Wed 12th June – Rags to Riches appeal, collection of clean used clothing.





Eco Club Update

We have a busy couple of months!

We had a recycling assembly for the whole school, and were visited by Sammy the Seagull, who helped us decide what items to recycle and which bag to put them in.






We encouraged the whole school to get involved with the Big School Spring Clean, and every class did a litter pick in or around the school.

The Eco Club wanted to take it one step further and so we did a Beach Clean, the children were amazed at the amount of plastic litter and micro plastics that they found on the Beach.

We attended an Eco Brick workshop in the National Waterfront Museum, and will share what we have learnt with the rest of the classes.

We now collect empty crisp packets for recycling, as well as batteries and writing implements.

All our events have spurred us on to do a Plastic Free Day in School. Children were invited to choose reusable alternatives to single use plastic in their lunchboxes, and we had the school milk delivered in glass milk bottles, instead of the plastic containers.

The Eco Club was interviewed by Bay TV about our Plastic Free Day, and what the school is doing to encourage pupils and staff to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.



Parent Information Summer Term 2019

In the Summer Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:
*Well-Being Week * Enterprise Week * Transition Week

As a Y3/4 Phase, we will be covering the topic of Disaster Zone and we will also have a 2-week project following the interests of the children in class.

Questions for you to discuss:
• What do you know about natural disasters?
• How do we impact on our natural environment?
• Where was the most recent natural disaster?

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class

Other Information
• Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.
• Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.
• PE Kit is required for all lessons and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason, then a note must be provided.
PE Days:
Y3/4J – Monday
Y3/4N & Y3/4D – Thursday & Tuesday


Assembly themes include: The Dot, Charity, Special places and celebrations, Gwasanaeth Cymraeg, Special books e.g. Bible or Qu’ran, Values, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Topic, Here comes the Summer, Right to relax and play, Changes (SEAL), Leavers.

Rights of the term:
Article 24
Right to food, water and medical care

Article 13
Right to find out things and share what you think with others

Article 6
The right to life and to be healthy

Article 31
Right to relax and play

Thank you for your continued support,

Y3/4 Team



Curriculum information - Summer Term

In the Summer Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Enterprise *Well-being*

As a Lower Foundation Phase, we will be covering the topic of ‘Scrumptious’ and we will also have a 2 week project following the interests of the children in class.

How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

If you have any items (e.g. books, leaflets, etc.) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please send them into class.

Encouraging your child to draw, write, count, share books, notice words, letters and numbers around them as well as playing and talking is hugely beneficial.

Tedi Twt Sacks

We have enjoyed using Tedi Twt sacks in our classes. Tedi Twt will continue to go home with a different child each week and we love seeing what he’s been up to in the accompanying book. They will have the opportunity to share what they did with him with the rest of the class. Please ensure all items are in the sack when it comes back to school.


Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.

PE Day for Reception

Miss Maliphant: Wednesdays

Mrs Roach: Fridays

No special kit is required, please send your child in suitable clothing and avoid shoes with laces if possible so children can be encouraged to take them on and off themselves.

Assembly Themes

Charity, Special places and celebrations, Special books, Healthy, body, Healthy mind, Here comes Summer, Changes.

Class Assemblies

Miss Maliphant’s Reception & Morning Nursery: Friday 24th May

Mrs Roach’s Reception & Morning Nursery: Friday 28th June

(parents/ family welcome – main hall at 9am)

Rights of the Child

May: Article 13 – right to find out things and share what you think with others

June:  Article 6 – right to life and to be healthy

July: Article 31 – right to relax and play